We would love to hear from you!
Join the Scout Group (Beavers/Cubs/Scouts):
At the moment our Beaver, Cubs and Scout sections are full. We are happy to add your child’s name to the waiting list – please add your details to our waiting list. (please click here to go to the waiting list)
We continuously monitor our waiting list and offer places as they become available.
We would love to open new sections within our Scout Group but at this time do not have enough leaders, young leaders and/or occasional helpers to do this. If you’re interested in joining us (or if you know of someone that would be interested in joining us) please contact us – we’d love to hear from you!
Scout Hall Hire:
If you are interested in hiring the Scout Hall please contact Lindsey Walker on 07977 405961
Other Enquires:
For any other enquiries please contact Andrew Peters (Group Lead Volunteer) gsl@radcliffescouts.org.uk or the Scout Group Committee committee@radcliffescouts.org.uk