Cubs is for girls and boys aged between 8 and 10.5 years old, Cubs is the second section in the scouting family, after beavers and before scouts.
Our Cub pack is very friendly and great fun with a very diverse programme of activities which we carefully plan to ensure that the cubs develop adventure, creative, practical and social skills. Our philosophy is to help our Cubs become confident, proactive, and well-skilled young people, who value their community.
We meet on Thursdays during term time from 6:00-7:30pm at the Scout Hall in Radcliffe on Trent.
During our meetings we ensure that the Cubs have structure and discipline and that they learn the value of looking after their fellow Cubs.
Some of the recent activities that our Cubs have enjoyed include night hikes, sailing, first aid, pioneering, group and district camps, charity fundraising, conservation work and taking part in village activities including the Remembrance Day parade.
Many of our activities are planned to help Cubs gain their activity and award badges.
If you’d like your child to join Cubs, please register your interest using our Contact Us page.
Online Scout Manager (OSM)
The OSM Parent Portal allows parents/carers to view and edit personal details, view the current term’s programme track badge progress and view emails sent from OSM. If you have not received your email invite to join OSM or you have any issues with OSM, please contact your subs@radcliffescouts.org.uk
Facebook Group
There is a 1st Radcliffe-on-Trent Cub Scout Pack facebook group for current parents and carers of our Cubs for asking questions and sharing information.
Please note: this is a private group.